Despite the fact that check use has declined by 25%, reports of check fraud have soared. In fact, they’ve nearly doubled since 2021. Criminals are becoming more sophisticated and finding new ways to steal your financial information to gain access to and take off with your money. FNC Bank is committed to helping our customers use checks safely.

Remember, every time you write a check, you expose your personal information, such as your name, contact information and bank account number. If digital banking solutions aren’t an option, you should regularly review your statements and keep these tips in mind to practice check safety:

  1. Use Permanent Ink Pens: Use permanent/indelible ink when you write a check so it's more difficult for a criminal to "wash" your check.
  2. Avoid Blank Spaces: Make sure you fill out every blank space on the payee and amount lines of a check to deter criminals from filling them in.
  3. Withhold Personal Information: Avoid adding personal information to your checks such as driver's license number or phone number.
  4. Review Accounts: Regularly monitor your account activity online or via statements to quickly notice anything out of the ordinary.
  5. Check Your Checks: Review your paid checks online or on your statements to ensure the endorsement is correct and reflects the intended payee and amount.
  6. Use Digital Payment Options: Consider switching to online bill pay for faster and more secure payments.

Ensuring check safety is crucial in maintaining the security of your financial transactions. By following these tips, you can safeguard your checks from potential fraud or unauthorized use.