Planning for retirement isn't just about saving money—it's about ensuring the lifestyle you envision for your golden years. With the right strategy, you can set yourself up for a comfortable and financially secure future. Here are some essential tips to get you started on the path to a well-planned retirement.

1. Set a Retirement Savings Goal

The first step in retirement planning is to determine how much money you'll need when you retire. Consider your desired lifestyle, including travel, hobbies, and potential healthcare expenses. A common rule of thumb is to aim for 80% of your pre-retirement income per year in retirement.

2. Open a Traditional or Roth IRA

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are powerful tools for retirement savings.

  • Traditional IRA: Contributions are tax-deductible, but withdrawals during retirement are taxed as income. This option is beneficial if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement.
  • Roth IRA: Contributions are made with after-tax dollars, but withdrawals in retirement are tax-free. This is advantageous if you anticipate being in a higher tax bracket when you retire.

FNC Bank offers both Traditional and Roth IRAs. Contact a Personal Banker to learn more.

3. Contribute to a 401(k)

If your employer offers a 401(k), make contributing to it a priority. At the very least, contribute enough to qualify for any employer match. This not only boosts your savings but can also provide significant tax advantages.

  • Maximize Contributions: Aim to contribute up to the annual maximum limit set by the IRS. For those aged 50 and older, catch-up contributions are allowed, enabling you to save even more. Visit the IRS website to learn more.

4. Understand Your Social Security Benefits

Although Social Security benefits shouldn't be your sole retirement income, they do play a critical role. Use the Social Security Administration’s online tools to obtain an estimate of your future benefits. This can help you plan how these benefits will fit into your overall retirement income strategy.


Retirement planning requires foresight, discipline, and smart financial decisions. Preparing now can lay a strong foundation for your financial future. Remember, the earlier you start, the more time your funds have to grow. Take control of your retirement planning today and ensure that your golden years are exactly what you’ve always dreamed of.