A Note from our CEO, Scott Soderberg

As many of you are aware, our New Richmond branch is undergoing a major remodel, the biggest since 1987. Our primary goal is to bring all of our New Richmond staff, along with everything we offer, into one space for the convenience of our customers. Along with that, it is crucial that we modernize to meet the needs of new generations. Underlying all of this is the commitment to remain an anchor resident of downtown New Richmond, which we believe is an important factor in the necessary revitalization of this wonderful city’s main street.

Over the past several years, I have gone through what feels like every piece of my grandfather Henning’s, my father John’s, and the bank’s mountain of memorabilia. I can tell you that task brought equal parts reminiscence, pride, longing for simpler times, surprise, and amazement. The vault (which is now really just the most secure storage closet in the world) was the time capsule which contained most of these treasures. Being immersed in a sea of relics, you can’t help but focus on the concept of change.

When I am telling folks about the project, I can almost hear some of what they are likely thinking: “Banking is all about digital access—why would you build to focus on in-person service?” The first answer is an easy one, in that we have also spent the last 3 years making many significant tech upgrades including moving to a state-of-the-art IT core system and a premier online banking experience. You should also look forward to the rollout of our brand-new website very soon. The physical change is just the last piece of the puzzle.

The most important answer is more interesting. If I’ve learned anything about community banking, it’s that the cultivation of personal relationships is everything. I truly believe it is our most powerful advantage, especially in an increasingly impersonal world. For the customer, I believe personal interaction is indispensable—whether it’s starting a business, buying a house, or protecting wealth, interacting with someone who understands how important these things are to you makes a big difference. Building to enhance that experience is risky, to be sure. But we aren’t here 105 years later if this is not a time-tested and bedrock principle. Amongst all the other changes we have and will make, we honor our past by providing the personal attention that we believe is an inseparable part of being your bank