Instilling fundamental savings habits in our youth can pave the way to a secure financial future. Teach Children to Save Day is celebrated in April each year with a goal of educating and empowering the younger generation with financial knowledge and savings skills. How can you help?

Inspire your little ones to start saving today:

  • Introduce Children to the World of Saving: A piggy bank isn't just a cute accessory (although we admit our owl banks are pretty darn cute); it's their first vault. Make saving a fun activity by celebrating each contribution. Learn how FNC Bank’s Little Nester’s Club does just that. Then, step back and watch their excitement bloom with each savings achievement!
  • Graduate to Banking: Transition from piggy banks to real accounts. It’s never too early to start a child on their banking journey. Guide them through setting up a minor savings account and understanding the magic of interest. More savings = more growth. It's that simple!
  • Help Set Savings Goals: Talk with your child to establish a savings goal, whether it's a short-term goal such as a new toy or game, or a longer-term goal such as a bicycle or even a car. Outline a plan and join in the excitement as they inch closer to the goal with every penny saved.

FNC Bank is committed to nurturing young savers with our minor savings account designed for ages 0-18. For the younger savers ages 0-12, our Little Nesters Club turns saving into an exciting adventure.

It’s never too early or too late to ignite a passion for saving in your child's heart.