In the past year, FNC Bank has made substantial investments in both time and financial resources to enhance our technology systems – from our core program to our online banking platform. These upgrades provide staff with greater efficiencies and customers with a more robust and secure way of banking digitally. Having successfully upgraded our technical space, our focus now shifts to enhancing our physical environment.

Rendering of the proposed New Richmond branch remodel as seen if entering from 2nd Street.

If you’ve stepped into our New Richmond branch lately, you can’t help but notice remodeling is underway. The last major remodel of this branch took place in the 1980s, and we believe it’s time to breathe new life into the space by creating an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional for both our customers and our team members.

To better utilize the open space in the main area of our branch, we will be creating additional offices for customer-facing staff. Our lobby space, which is the centerpiece of our bank, will remain open and airy with the utilization of glass walls, brighter colors, and upgraded lighting. We hope these enhancements will significantly improve the overall ambiance of the space, creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for our customers.

The core of our mission is to remain a thriving community bank. We have a strong set of values that guide our operations, and we are proud to be a stable and trustworthy institution that is deeply rooted in the community. This remodeling project underscores our longstanding commitment to creating a more vibrant downtown in New Richmond.

We understand that our bank's appearance plays a significant role in our customers' perception of our business, and we are excited to take this step towards modernization and excellence. Thank you for your patience during the construction phase. We look forward to sharing the completed project later this summer.