Aaron Mork, VP Commercial Lender at FNC Bank, was recognized on 11/16/23 by the Wisconsin Bankers Foundation with Certificates of Recognition for his individual effort in promoting financial literacy to Wisconsin’s consumers.

Aaron has a passion for educating our youth in financial literacy and, for years, has made it a priority to provide in-school presentations that give area students a basic understanding of bank accounts, budgeting and general finances. Earlier this year, Aaron also coordinated FNC Bank's first Reality Fair for Osceola High School Junior students. Aaron’s efforts included months of preparation, and recruitment of almost 30 volunteers, but the result was well worth it. Our Reality Fair provided over 100 students with a simulation of an adult’s financial life, offering an interactive experience for making real world financial decisions and managing money. Participants experienced what it is like to have an account at a financial institution, decide how to use their money, obtain a loan, manage debt, and more. For these youth, this experience was an eye-opening, exciting, and fun way to build financial knowledge and skills.

"Throughout Wisconsin, bankers go above and beyond in their commitment to their communities,” said Chair of the Wisconsin Bankers Foundation Rose Oswald Poels. “We thank the team at FNC Bank — with special thanks to Aaron — for their outstanding work in helping individuals and families to build foundational financial skills."

Thank you, Aaron, for your dedication to providing financial literacy to our local communities. We are proud of your accomplishments!